Friday, December 17, 2010


Nector Kashpaw's most interesting (or least interesting) characteristic is that he absolutely refuses to make a decision for himself in his life except for two notable examples: the first refusal of his to pose for the Old Woman and his decision to get with Lulu and carry on his affair. After these choices however, his ability to continue making choices instead of just floating along life's current is once again disappears. He always gives in to pushing, just as Lulu was able to offer him something, so did the Old Woman. Both of these women "offered (him) so much that he had to forget his dignity" (Erdrich 120) and succeeded in pushing him to do exactly what they wanted. The Old Woman desired to turn him into art and Lulu alluded towards desiring to make him her own.

Even in watching the aftermath of his actions, he still refused to make any choice that would have stopped the current current of life and correct it. When the Old Woman finished her work, he, "wouldn't fight it, and in that way [he'd] get to shore" (120) and while he watched Lulu's house burn down, the best he can claim is that, "[he] had done nothing" (141). 

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